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Preventing a Plumbing Nightmare

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Prevention is something we don’t hear about often. Whether it be on the topic of health or even plumbing. More often than not, we wait until “It’s too late” or “It’s a nightmare!” to do anything. But how would it be if steps were taken to prevent the bursting pipes and flooding laundry room? To actually and intentionally go about keeping your home safe and protected from plumbing nightmares?

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Water damage done to your home is always costly and more often than not, preventable. Here are some pointers on doing just that.

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[/minti_toggle][minti_toggle title=”Winter proof your pipes.” open=”false” icon=”fa-plus”]

You’re not the only one needing to stay cozy during those snowy white months. Your pipes need to be kept warm during the winter too. If it gets below freezing where you live, you’ll want to thoroughly inspect your pipes and wrap the exposed ones in something like insulation and then cover that with a water resistant plastic. Cracking and bursting pipes will ruin the whole “White Christmas” thing for you and cost you thousands of dollars to fix.

[/minti_toggle][minti_toggle title=”If it leaks, fix it.” open=”false” icon=”fa-plus”]

Sometimes we ignore the leaking faucet. What harm is it doing? Or the occasional leaking pipe? It will hold wont it? Water erodes things over time, rotting wood and creating the need for repairs that will cost you thousands of dollars. All from a little leak. Don’t ignore the little things. They have a knack for becoming much, much bigger things.

[/minti_toggle][minti_toggle title=”Lastly, be aware.” open=”false” icon=”fa-plus”]

Simply being conscience of your plumbing and using the above preventative practices will make a possible water emergency that much easier to spot. In the even that you do spot one, locate your main shut off valve and turn it off. Having everyone in your home aware of where it’s located is a grand idea.

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No matter how convenient it may seem to do so, don’t rinse oils or grease down your drains. Think about it. While the hot grease in your pan appears to be a liquid now, it wont be as soon as it cools. As amazing as bacon is, it’s grease going down the drain wont be. That grease will harden and cause no end of problems for you in the kitchen. It will in fact cause everything you put down the drain to stick. When enough grease builds up, your pipes will become completely blocked. So, enjoy your bacon and put the grease in something like an empty spaghetti jar, then toss it in the trash bin.

[/minti_toggle][minti_toggle title=”Don’t put just anything down the disposal.” open=”false” icon=”fa-plus”]

For starters, don’t use your disposal like it’s a garbage can. It will not forgive you when bits of bone or hardened fruit get stuck in it’s gears. It will break, cause your sink to back up, and put pressure on your under-cabinet plumbing that could leak, or worse burst into a stinking mess. Be thoughtful when you decide something should go down your disposal. What might be convenient to shove down and grind away now, might not be so convenient in repairs later.

[/minti_toggle][minti_toggle title=”Have your plumbing inspected.” open=”false” icon=”fa-plus”]

Quite possibly the best approach to preventing a plumbing nightmare is to hire a plumber to asses your pipes and see if your home needs any tender loving care. Take your fear of the unknown out of the equation and get the full story on the health of your pipes.

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And there you have it! Nightmare prevented.


But for those nightmares that get away from you, don’t hesitate to call on your friends at NIR Plumbing! The sooner you have a plumber on the job, the faster the damages can be righted. Time really does equal money. Let things go too long and it will be a fiscal nightmare too. Now you know. Here’s your plan for being on your A game when it comes to plumbing and we are all to happy to partner with you in it! Remember these few pointers and you’ll do a great!

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Prevent Home Plumbing Nightmares
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