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Commercial backflow prevention systems are crucial for ensuring that businesses maintain a safe, potable water supply. Backflow testers must be used, and these systems must be certified periodically, to verify that they are operating properly.
NIR is the premier commercial plumbing company for commercial backflow certification services in Southern California. Our team of backflow prevention spets has years of experience working with commercial businesses of all sizes and types. We are committed to providing you with professional service every step of the way, providing precise and efficient backflow testing so you can avoid costly fines and keep your customers and employees safe.
With our state-of-the-art backflow testing equipment, we can efficiently perform backflow prevention system testing and certification, and quickly address any issues that we identify, minimizing downtime and ensuring that your business stays up and running.
Whether you need commercial backflow certification, testing, repair, or installation services, NIR is the commercial plumbing company you can trust to deliver exceptional results every time. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!